To view the API scores of the schools in your target district, first click this link API County List of Schools
then from the drop down list, select your county.
Here is Santa Clara County.
Here is San Mateo County.
Here is Cupertino Union & Sunnyvale School Districts Sorted by 2012 Growth API Scores (Highest to Lowest)
Here is Santa Clara Unified School District Sorted by API Scores (Highest to Lowest)
Here is San Ramon Unified School District Sorted by API Scores (Highest to Lowest)
Here is San Jose's Oak Grove Elementary School District Sorted by API Scores (Highest to Lowest)
To view the Boundary Maps of the schools in your target district, click the appropriate link below:
Santa Clara County High School Districts cover which Elementary School Districts
Santa Clara County School District Minus Morgan Hill and Gilroy
Los Altos School District Elementary/Middle
Palo Alto Unified School District Elementary/Middle
Cupertino Union School District Elementary/Middle
Sunnyvale Elementary
Fremont Unified High School District Boundary Maps:
For a basic map of the entire district, please click on the following link:
District Boundary Map
For a basic Map of a specific high school, click on the following links:
Cupertino High School
Fremont High School
Homestead High School
Lynbrook High School
Monta Vista High School
For detailed boundary maps of each school and/or to find out which school in the district is served by a specific address,please click on the following link:
Detail Boundary Map and Address Check Tool
Santa Clara Unified School District: Boundary Map , Street Directory
Mountain View - Whisman Elementary School District Attendance Boundaries
Campbell Union School District:
Attendance Boundaries:
Elementary/Middle School
Capri Elementary
Rosemary Elementary
Middle School
Elementary/Middle Street Locator
High School
Moreland School District:
Attendance Boundaries Map PDF JPG
Enter your street address or view the complete street directory and receive information on the elementary and middle school serving students at that address.
Berryessa Union School District:
Attendance Boundaries Map
Enter your street address or view the complete street directory and receive information on the elementary and middle school serving students at that address.
East Side Union High School District:
Attendance Boundaries Map
Enter your street address to find out which school is assigned to you
Milpitas Unified School District:
Elementary/Middle Street Locator
Oak Grove Unified School District:
Elementary/Middle: Boundary Map, Street Locator
San Jose Unified School District
34 = Gunderson HS
35 = Leland HS
36 = Lincoln HS
37 = Pioneer HS
38 = San Jose HS
39 = Willow Glen HS
40 = Broadway HS
Cambrian School District
Attendance Boundaries Map
Union Elementary School District (Grades K - 8):
Attendance Boundaries Map
Evergreen School District
Street Locator
San Mateo - Foster City
Street Locator
Alameda County:
List of All School Districts within Alameda County
District Boundaries Map > Enlarged
Fremont Unified: School Locator
High School Boundaries Map
From NW to SE:
Yellow=American High
Red=Washington High
Purple=Kennedy High
Blue=Mission San Jose High
Green=Irvington High
Middle School Boundaries Map
From NW to SE:
Yellow=Thornton Jr High
Red=Centerville Jr High
Purple=Walters Jr High
Blue=Hopkins Jr High
Green=Horner Jr High
Elementary School Boundaries
Within American High > Thorntonton Jr High
Patterson Elementary is yellowish-green shape in the very center of the picture below:
San Ramon Valley Unified School District : Boundary Map