On Thursday March 1, 2012, the Cupertino Union School District Open Enrollment / Lottery was held for the 2012-2013 School Year.
The order of drawing was:
9:00am All Attendance Area Schools (except Alternative Education Program Schools)
9:30am Mandarin Immersion Alternative Program (CLIP)
9:45am Murdoch-Portal Alternative Program School
10:30am McAuliffe Alternative Program School
10:45am Faria A+ Alternative Program School
Right now, a Lottery Wait List is being established for each school, based on the drawn lottery numbers. Results will be sent to parents by mail during the week of March 26th. Any parent who has not received his/her Lottery results by Monday April 2nd should call the CUSD office at (408) 252-3000 extension 110. Note that the Lottery Number assigned to each student on March 1st is not the same as the Lottery Wait List Number assigned to the student after the Lottery.
A low lottery number means the student has a greater chance of attending the requested school. As space becomes available, staff in the District Student Assignment Office will call the next parent in line to offer the available space to their student. Siblings will be given priority, regardless of their Lottery Number.
If a student has not been placed at their requested school by the 1st day of school in fall 2012, the child's Lottery Wait List Number will remain in effect through March 1, 2013. As space becomes available, CUSD staff will continue to call parents to offer an available space to their student even though the school year has already started.
If you have futher questions, please contact the CUSD Student Assignement Office at (408) 252-3000 extension 110.
صيغة تمرير أرقام مفتوحة لليانصيب في تايلاند ، نصائح فوز اليانصيب مفتوح تايلاند بالتأكيد ، حيل الفوز الجديدة لليانصيب التايلاندي 2020 ، نصائح الفوز باليانصيب التايلاندي ، نتيجة اليانصيب التايلاندية ، مخطط اليانصيب التايلاندي ، ورقة اليانصيب التايلاندية ، اليانصيب التايلاندي بالمملكة العربية السعودية ، صيغة فوز اليانصيب التايلاندي ، اليانصيب التايلاندي 3up نتيجة التمرير المباشر 16-10-2563 ، 16 أكتوبر 2020 ، vip single ، vip touch ، صيغة تمرير المجموعة السفلية ، مجموعة يانصيب تايلاند ،